The KJV complete Bible

Breadth: Complete Bible
Format: Secure Mp3 download
Translation: The King James version is still regarded as one of the most accurate and beautiful of all translations.
Narrator: Eric Martin has served the Lord in many capacities, including radio, television and theater. His distinctive British voice has recorded many Bible translations including the NKJV.
The KJV complete Bible

Breadth: Complete Bible
Format: Secure Mp3 download
Translation: The King James version is till regarded as one of the most accurate and beautiful of all translations.
Narrator: This recording by Alexander Scourby has certainly had the most impact on the English speaking world of any audio Bible.Note: Sorry, but I can only sell this one recording to people in the United States. I can’t get permission to sell this one recording worldwide.
The KJV Complete Bible

Breadth: Complete Bible
Format: Secure Mp3 download
Translation: The King James version is still regarded as one of the most accurate and beautiful of all translations.
Narrator: British narrator Christopher Glyn draws on 35 years of experience as a Christian narrator and broadcaster to bring you this expressive reading which captures the beauty and power of God’s Word and makes the King James English clear and easy to understand.