There are a number of MP3 Bibles out there 1. Bit-Rate: Since MP3 is a "lossy" format, it can be important to know what bit-rate the MP3 files have been saved at. MP3 files saved at a low bit-rate can sound distorted and can be irritating to listen to. Sadly, most web-sites don't provide this information. If you can at least hear a sample of the recording, this can be very helpful. If the entire Bible fits on one CD-ROM disk, then it is probably recorded at a low bit rate since a CD only provides about 700 Megabytes of storage. A decent recording of the entire Bible will typically take anywhere from about 1-2 Gigabytes in the MP3 format. 2. Style of Reading: Three styles of reading … [Read More...]
Welcome to Audio Bible Downloads
The Bible uses the word “hear” 4824 times and the word “listen” 441 times. If anything is clear, it’s that God wants to be heard and listened to. It is no stretch at all to arrive at the conclusion that our greatest need is to integrate God’s Word into our minds. While reading the Bible should never be replaced, at Audio Bible Downloads we believe that the benefit of being able to listen to the Bible allows us to integrate the Bible into our hearts many times more frequently.
One of the fondest memories of my childhood was my Mother taking time out of her busy day to read the Bible to me. The fact that her life reflected the character of the Bibles Author was powerful to me. Mom is what Christ referred to in John 8:31 “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine.” At Audio Bible Downloads we offer audio Bibles in virtually any format and version available, to “let the Word of Christ richly dwell within you”. I invite you to listen to the following narrators.

As Christians, our greatest need is to hear from God. At Audio Bible Downloads we want to provide a way for you to increase your understanding of your Creator.
No doubt, all of us remember someone such as a parent or teacher urging us to listen. While it is important to listen to many voices in life, when God urges us to listen...we do well to heed His pleadings. Audio Bible Downloads was created on the conviction that a God Who gave His only Son for us is worth listening to.
There are so many voices pining away for our attention today. Some good, some bad. While He walked the earth He spoke into existence, Jesus was adamant that we take great care to both what we hear and how much attention we pay. Audio Bible Downloads is committed to getting as much of what God has said to as many people as possible.